Everybody needs a plan.

Wills & Estates

A person's plans say a lot
about who they are.

Whether it's giving shape to your plan or following through with the plans of your loved one, we're here to help with a full range of estate planning and estate handling services.

Last Will & Testament

Simple or complex – we can help lay out your wishes in a Will that is designed to reduce costs to your estate when you’re gone and make life easier on your executor.

Power of Attorney & Personal Medical Directive

Estate planning is also about planning for tough times while you’re alive. We can help you appoint a trusted person to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf if you’re no longer able.

Corporate Estate Planning

Things are a bit more complicated if you're a business owner and want to plan your affairs. We have the experience to make sure your business is covered.

Property Services for Estate Planning

Sometimes a Will isn't what you need. There are times when a deed is best. We can advise you on how to hold property to streamline your estate handling.

Book an appointment today.

Call or email us to schedule a time to talk.
We'd love to be your lawyer.

Call: 902-270-7069 Email: hello@manleylaw.ca